Here it goes:
1. I can't use nail polish. It's a personal quirk. My nails feel like they're suffocating when I try to, so I quit trying a long time ago.

3. Many of my guy friends like to call me McGyver or Bob the Builder because I love fixing things up and finding solutions to technical problems. Although now that I think about it, owning a proper tool case, complete with a power drill and a sander, must have had something to do with it too.
4. I can't play cards, charades, any board or electronic games without getting bored instantly, with the exceptions of Tetris and Trivial Pursuit. I'd also love to try Twister one day.
5. I really like watching football (soccer for Americans), preferably with the boyfriend and/or friends. I would love to be able to play as well, but being a girl, the boys never picked me for their team...
6. ...but I can't pair football-watching with beer. I gave the yellow thing lots of chances to prove itself, but I recently decided that I just hate the taste of it!
7. Weird as it may sound, I also don't like ice-cream, cake, chocolate, candy or any sweet stuff in general. My taste buds get sweetness overload after just one spoonful of the stuff.
8. As big as my clothes and shoes collection might be, I love my book collection even more. My over-stuffed black EXPEDIT is my baby.

10. I'm not afraid of cockroaches. Not that I love them or anything, I'm just able spot and kill them without batting an eyelid. Same with snakes, only I don't kill them. And I find mice too cute. But, I get totally petrified just by seeing a tarantula printed on a magazine. Seriously, I can't even touch the paper.
And yes, this is my hand holding a baby mouse I found in the garden this summer.
Thanks for the tag Natalie, and sorry it took so long. Procrastinator, you see...Add to Cart
[all pictures mine, except Bob the Builder]
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