Thursday, June 18, 2009

Steph's First Post!

So, my very first blog entry!
Whatever will I write? I did wonder…

I decided on a subject that is very close to my heart and everyone should have some sort of experience with it….can you guess what it is??? PROM!!!!!

Ok, so, let me take you back 5 years. I’m 15, finishing my final exams at school in a small English town, Rugby (yes, like the games). The world is my oyster and I have to find my prom dress.

At first I wanted an Indian themed dress (sari), but after weeks of searching to no avail, I looked to broaden my horizons.

I was shopping in Birmingham (home of Ozzy Osbourne, Cat Deeley and Nick Rhodes) and I spotted a black corset, which, at first, I did not care much for, but was forced to try it on by my Mother. I surprisingly felt like a million bucks! My next mission was to find a bottom to match my top. Soon after I found a tutu for £20 and my Mum slaved over a sewing machine, made in the 50’s, to make a crinoline for me to wear underneath. If only there was a Fashion Crimes in Rugby.

I also decided that that my short brown hair was waaaayyyyyyy to boring, so I spent six and a half hours in the hairdressers getting it cut and dyed. Into what? I hear you asking. Isn’t it obvious? A peroxide blonde Mohawk, of course.

Next, SHOES! I spotted these OUTSTANDING ‘New Rock’ boots (which I would not dare wear now, but thought they were cool at the time). As for the jewelry I wore, I decided to accessorize with a dainty rhinestone, heart necklace with matching earrings and vintage lace gloves. To complete the look I was going for I was literally covered in glitter; my entire face was covered (I love shiny things :).

So, the night finally arrives. My Mum and I went to pick up my two very best friends, Rachel and Hanns. Rachel is wearing pink and black (same look as myself, which is a bit of a faux pas, but oh well) and Hanns in yellow and white.

We arrived at the venue and I literally felt like a rockstar. Everywhere there were people with cameras. There were drunken teachers, limos, men in suits; just another day in Rugby.

All of my friends looked amazing, like I had never seen them before, or since for that matter. It was an unforgettable night filled with dancing and laughter.

I hope everyone has an amazing prom this year! PLEASE send us your photos and stories in your Fashion Crimes dresses and you, too, could be featured in our blog.
Until next time,
Your British Best Friend
Steph x
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