Monday, September 19, 2011


Shoes/Zapatos: Mango, Top/Camiseta: Mango, Pants/Pantalones: Mango, Leather Jacket/Chaqueta de Piel: Mango, Clutch: Mango

I'm so happy I got this red jacket from Mango! It reminds me of that Joseph red jacket we all loved. The quality is amazing and when I saw it at the store I fell in love with it. I put together a rock-chic look with plain black pants and pointed black shoes. Simple rock 'n roll look. Vote for it on!
Estoy super contenta con la nueva chaqueta de piel de color rojo que encontré en Mango. Me recuerda la que ha sacado Joseph. La calidad es increible!!! La he combinado con unos pantalones negros y tacones de salon negros. Simple y rock 'n roll. Por favor si quereis votad mi look en!

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