Friday, September 16, 2011

Katsuhito Ishii's Smuggler Premieres at TIFF

Midnight Madness at TIFF last Friday was exactly that; even with the film delayed 45 minutes due to technical difficulties the 1100 people in attendance were in high spirits, anxiously awaiting the premiere of Smuggler, a Japanese film directed by genius Katsuhito Ishii. Beach balls were hurled across the crowd (literally), actor/director Bobcat Goldthwait randomly appeared on stage to do a hilarious 15min stand up comedy set, and Mr. Ishii himself said a few words before the film finally started in the wee hours of the morning. Personally, I felt like a little kid at Christmas....I was "pee your pants" excited.

The film did not leave me disappointed; it was packed with humour, action, incredibly intense violent scenes (I had to force myself to not close my eyes at some points), and all the while relaying an important message that everyone can relate to. Oh, and did I mention the fashion? I spotted a mini top hat and horned glasses combination on a yakuza fashionista and thought to myself, that is so Fashion Crimes!

The lovely Tiffany humoured me, and sported the mini feather top hat and faux glasses that we carry here in the boutique (pictured below). This is a fun, sexy look that anyone can rock, and it won't break the bank! With TIFF behind us for another year and the dust starting to settle, remember Fashion Crimes is red carpet worthy year round. Come in and feel like a movie star!

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