Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Twingo Miss Sixty contest and gifts

A few weeks have past since that shopping trip to Miss Sixty at The Mall and that great weekend spent behind the wheel of Twingo Miss Sixty. Thalia, Stella, Katerina and I had lots of fun and guess what...

Now it's
your turn!

Renault and Miss Sixty are giving you the chance to win a special
weekend off at a spa hotel plus lots of Miss Sixty gifts.

All you have to do is like Twingo Miss Sixty on facebook and enter its contest by answering 7 easy questions. Don't worry, the answers are all there, you just have to read our blog posts (hint-hint, you can click on the girls' names above to find their posts easily) and watch the videos where we talk about our days spent with Twingo Miss Sixty.

Sorry international readers, the contest is open only to people who live in Greece and are 18 and above, until July 15th.

Good luck!
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