Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Grand Opening of Guess Flaship Store on Queen Street West

Queen Street West was definitely the place to be this past Thursday. Another event took over the strip: the grand opening of the Guess flagship store. In partnership with Flare Magazine, Guess threw a great party in celebration of the opening with special musical guest Keshia Chante. Fashion Crimes employee Kanchana (aka Cha Cha) attended the soiree completely decked out in Pam Chorley's designs. She caught the attention of blogger Omar Leslie, who simply had to take the beauty's picture. The gorgeous Kanchana is pictured above wearing a Fashion Crimes waist cincher in baroque fabric paired with a cream tiered netty skirt. All her accessories can be found at Fashion Crimes as well, including that dynamite rhinestone bracelet. Do you love her outfit as much as I do? Then come visit us, we will hook you up!

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