Friday, June 24, 2011

Fashion Crimes Gives Their 2 Cents on CBC

Last night I made a brief appearance on CBC's The National during a segment about last year's G20 riots. Fashion Crimes was fortunate enough to walk away from it all with very minimal physical damage to the store; however shutting down business on both Saturday and Sunday resulted in a huge opportunity cost and, even worse, lost wages for the staff who were sent home without work. It's an interesting report; I start at the 1:38 mark and speak for a few seconds. Click HERE to view the clip! Let us know what you think! Any opinions on the G20 chaos?I (Melissa) am standing by one of our many amazing jewelry cases. I am wearing a Holly Boat dress in incredible Cockadoodle fabric; it also comes in Deer and Fish fabric as well! My entire outfit is from Fashion Crimes; come visit us and try this great dress on!

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