An old chinese proverb says:
A fashion blogger with an invitation to Vogue's annual party is a happy fashion blogger.

Vogue Hellas held their Rockin' Angels party last night, at Venue club here in Athens, and fashion bloggers plus stylish friends were invited. Well, thank you dear Vogue!

The dress code was "ROCK N' SHINE".

I happily obliged.

Not a proper outfit picture, but pretty close. I think I quite nailed the "shine" part. Maybe even blinded some people.
Oh, well.
And I also managed to snap most of the cool people:

Stylish guy lostinrainbows rocking his skinny tie

Amalia the Glamour magazine journalist, aka amalucky of twitter fame. Not a fashion blogger per se, but definitely a fashion twitterer! Amalia asked her numerous twitter followers to help answer the eternal question: what to wear? She tweeted the three options with details and let the tweeple chose. And, as you can see in the pic above, they chose well...

Mod babe Chloe in the Sky (read her coverage here - including a pic of my shoes!!!)

Christiana of Fashion Paths, more specifically her killer shoes
Thalia of Life in Athens (read her coverage here)

Well, you'll be right to guess we had an amazing time.

A rocking good time!

Not to mention that Amalia and I went home with a pretty cool souvenir...
And as if taking photobooth pics with Alex of Matisse wasn't enough...

...we got an amazing Faith tank top as a freebie!
Thanks Vogue! Till next year girls? Add to Cart
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