Wednesday, September 30, 2009

FAME Premiere Afterparty

We had so much fun at the MGM Premiere of FAME After-Party at the Randolph Academy... here are a few of the highlights and images of Fashion Crimes gracing the Purple Carpet!

Actress Kerry Laifatt

Photographer: Paul Baik

Pam Chorley looking amazing!

(The glamorous life of a fashion designer - after a full day that started at 8am for meetings

with fabric suppliers & accessory reps,

creating cutting sheets, responding to client e-mails, a full STAFF MEETING and then to the FAME event at 10pm!)

The Style Box's Amanda Brugel and Actor Sarain Boylan looking SO fierce.

Photographer: Paul Baik

So You Think You Can Dance Finalist Tamina Paris-Pollack

Photographer: Paul Baik

The Fashion Crimes' crew (L-R: Logan, Crystal, Kat, Pam, & Kanchana) with the famously chic Anita Clarke, editor in cheif of I want- I got.

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