Saturday, January 17, 2009

Green Ballet with serious lipstick

This lipstick changes everything

IMG_3044 by you.

IMG_3041 by you.
IMG_3059 by you.

Ive developed a new unhealthy relationship
with a site called rubylane
I found this 1930 pin
dancing with other treasures
(like the chartreuse 1940 dress below)

sshot-2009-01-09-[12-58-00] by you.

I've been tagged by trishhunterfinds

*Go to the 4th folder in your computer where you store your pictures
*Pick the 4th picture in that folder
*Explain the picture
*Tag 4 people to do the same.


OK well this picture is
a blurry and creepy
depiction of a skeleton

no other explanation

5 addictions

Hmmm....which would be what
I'm searching for on ebay
as of late
and everything else

(in no particular order)

1)1930-1940 anything
(recent color obsession in the decades chartreuse)

sshot-2009-01-17-[09-25-01] by you.

sshot-2009-01-17-[09-26-38] by you.sshot-2009-01-17-[09-26-49] by you.

2) My husband of 4 years Pierre

IMG_2415 by you.

IMG_2439 by you.

sshot-2009-01-15-[15-40-56] by you.

pinkdressIMG_2966 by you.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

3) Fabric (My wall of Fabric)

IMG_0525 by you.

4) Mysterious scary movies
(M. Night Shyamalan)

5) My foxy lady friend Clementine

IMG_2543 by you.

IMG_2898 by you.

I tag

under-developed in the mind
Olive Tree

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